3 Ways Moms Can Redefine Productivity and Embrace Self-worth

In our fast-paced society, it's common to feel pressured by the constant demand for productivity. As a devoted mother, you may find yourself judging your self-worth based on what you accomplish and how much you get done. But here's the empowering truth: you have the power to redefine productivity on your terms. Motherhood is ever-changing, and it's OK to experience moments of feeling overwhelmed, weary, or unfocused. Today, we will share three empowering strategies that will help you dissolve the productivity myth and create a more balanced and fulfilling life for yourself and your family.

Recognize Your Hard Work and Worth

Pregnancy is a time of immense physical and emotional exertion as you prepare to bring new life into the world. It's essential to acknowledge your tireless efforts in nurturing yourself and your baby. Embrace the idea that being productive doesn't solely revolve around ticking off tasks on a to-do list. Instead, consider productivity as an act of caring for yourself and your

Instead of criticizing yourself, you can practice self-affirmations that celebrate your dedication and worth. For example, I'm working hard already. I deserve a nourishing and healthy pregnancy. I don't have to power through this journey.

Speak Kindly to Yourself

Often, the harshest critics reside in our own minds. When you find yourself plagued by thoughts of guilt over your productivity level, think about how you would treat a friend or loved one in the same situation. You would likely offer them support, understanding, and encouragement. Extend that same compassion and understanding to yourself.

Let Go of Toxic Productivity

Toxic productivity, the relentless drive to be constantly busy and productive, can be detrimental to your well-being. It's important to recognize when these harmful thoughts creep in and then replace them with a healthier mindset. Instead of dwelling on negative self-talk, allow your thoughts to float by you. One way to do this is to imagine your thoughts as people waiting in line for a bus. Instead of engaging with them, let them board the bus and drive by. Choose not to engage with them and let them pass by without causing distress.

In a world that places immense pressure on productivity, it's time to reclaim your definition of success. Remember that you are more than the tasks you accomplish; you are a caring, devoted mother with the power to define productivity on your terms.

When someone checks in and asks what you did that day, it might feel like you weren't doing enough, or it might feel like you didn't do anything at all. That’s okay. Remember, you're a human, not a robot! We like to remind ourselves of this with this poem from Vicki Rivard's book Brave New Mama:

I am learning my baby.

I am love—weaving a world.

—when they ask, what are you doing today?

Be kind to yourself, for your well-being and relationships are worth far more than the checkboxes on a to-do list. Know your worth and let self-compassion lead the way. You are enough, and your journey is worth celebrating.

Let's Reflect